
A (7) | B (2) | C (29) | D (13) | E (7) | F (6) | G (3) | H (10) | I (5) | J (1) | K (4) | L (3) | M (18) | N (4) | O (3) | P (15) | Q (5) | R (9) | S (14) | T (6) | U (3) | V (5) | W (1)

Non-parametric Methods

Non-parametric methods are a type of statistical test not involving the estimation of parameters of a statistical function. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). Nonparametric.  Retrieved November 1, 2023, from

Null Performance Rate

The null performance rate is when all of the denominator eligible instances are attributed to all denominator exceptions. Therefore, the performance rate for satisfactory reporting would be 0/0 (null).


The numerator is the upper portion of a fraction used to calculate a rate, proportion, or ratio. Also called the measure focus, it is the target process, condition, event, or outcome. Numerator criteria are the processes or outcomes expected for each patient, procedure, or other unit of measurement defined in the denominator. A numerator statement describes the action satisfying the conditions of the performance measure.

Numerator Exclusion

Numerator exclusions define instances measured entities should not include in the numerator data. Use numerator exclusions only in ratio and proportion measures.